helm fetch bitnami/redis --untar [--untardir ./]
helm install redis-sentinel . -n redis-ha
Redis can be accessed via port 6379 and Sentinel can be accessed via port 26379 on the following DNS name from within your cluster:
To connect to your Redis server:
- To retrieve the redis password:
echo $(kubectl get secret redis-ha -o "jsonpath={.data['auth']}" | base64 --decode)
- Connect to the Redis master pod that you can use as a client. By default the redis-ha-server-0 pod is configured as the master:
kubectl exec -it redis-ha-server-0 sh -n redis-ha
- Connect using the Redis CLI (inside container):
Please be patient while the chart is being deployed
Redis® can be accessed via port 6379 on the following DNS name from within your cluster:
`redis-sentinel.redis-ha.svc.cluster.local` for read only operations
For read/write operations, first access the Redis® Sentinel cluster, which is available in port 26379 using the same domain name above.
To get your password run:
export REDIS_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace redis-ha redis-ha-passwd -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 -d)
To connect to your Redis® server:
- Run a Redis® pod that you can use as a client:
kubectl run --namespace redis-ha redis-client --restart='Never' --env REDIS_PASSWORD=$REDIS_PASSWORD --image --command -- sleep infinity
Use the following command to attach to the pod:
kubectl exec --tty -i redis-client \
--namespace redis-ha -- bash
- Connect using the Redis® CLI:
REDISCLI_AUTH="$REDIS_PASSWORD" redis-cli -h redis-sentinel -p 6379 # Read only operations
REDISCLI_AUTH="$REDIS_PASSWORD" redis-cli -h redis-sentinel -p 26379 # Sentinel access
To connect to your database from outside the cluster execute the following commands:
kubectl port-forward --namespace redis-ha svc/redis-sentinel 6379:6379 &
REDISCLI_AUTH="$REDIS_PASSWORD" redis-cli -h -p 6379